How to fix common SKUSavvy issues

Learn about the most common challenges SKUSavvy clients take and what measures you can take to solve it.


Welcome to the SKUSavvy Troubleshooting Guide. This guide is designed to help you quickly diagnose and resolve common issues you may encounter while using the SKUSavvy platform. Whether you're facing technical difficulties, configuration challenges, or operational problems, this guide provides step-by-step solutions to ensure your workflow remains smooth and efficient. Let's get started on resolving your issues promptly.

Inventory added to Shopify is not showing in SKUSavvy

This is by default. You can resync the inventory from Shopify into SKUSavvy, though it is done manually. Instead you should plan to enter inventory adjustments within SKUSavvy, which will flow up to Shopify automatically in real-time.
Try to make all inventory adjustments within SKUSavvy, or manually resync to pull changes
Learn about the inventory sync
Manually sync changes made in Shopify

Inventory is different between SKUSavvy and Shopify

If the inventory is accurate in one system but not the other, follow the instructions for manually resyncing, and depending on which inventory is more accurate between SKUSavvy and Shopify you can choose this as the source to override the other.
Perform a manual resync and select the platform that has accurate inventory as your source of truth
Manually sync changes made in Shopify

No inventory available during pick

If you already connected SKUSavvy with Shopify and are going to pick an order but have not seen any inventory yet, this is because the inventory must be allocated to a bin first to become available for picking. You can allocate stock during the pick, or in bulk.
First allocate stock to a bin, then it will become available during pick
Allocate stock to bins in bulk

I'm not seeing new orders or product changes

From time to time order or product events get held up for a variety of reasons. Typically this will resolve itself, if you have time you can wait it out (typically within 1hr you should see something). If you are not seeing the change, please add a tag to the product or order, and it will refresh the event.
Try waiting or add a tag or a note to the delayed object
Learn how to fulfill orders
Refresh order status from Shopify

Cannot connect my Shopify

Usually this is because the wrong API keys or permissions for the SKUSavvy app are missing. Try these resolutions:
  • The access API token is only shown 1 time when you press install app, you need to make sure this is entered into the top API field on SKUSavvy

  • Be on the lookout for any red error codes that show up indicating a permission is missing on the Shopify app directly. Change this by going into the Shopify custom app and editing the configuration to add the access scopes needed in SKUSavvy

  • If you previously connected and have existing warehouses in SKUSavvy, you need to make sure the warehouse prefix information is unique among all locations, or you can remove/reuse existing locations

Learn how to connect Shopify
Shopify connection [video]

Barcodes do not recognize

This could be for a variety of reasons, typically it is because the barcode format within SKUSavvy is showing  different than the barcode which has come over on the product in Shopify. The format such as QR, UPC, codabar, Code128, etc. must have the correct corresponding sequence of numbers/letters for the encoding to be recognized. 
  • Try removing a leading or trailing digit on the barcode

  • Try changing the barcode format to the expected format

  • Bulk update the barcode formats for all products to correctly match their type (QR -> UPC for instance)

  • Assign the barcode to a variant by tapping the 'Scan Anything' button and selecting the 'Attach to Variant' option

Bulk update barcodes in SKUSavvy
Scan any barcode button
Understand different barcode types

Barcodes do not print

This is related to the point above, which is likely that the barcode value and format are different, be sure to check that the value and format align. If you try to print a barcode in SKUSavvy you will see 'Invalid Barcode Format' if this is a problem. 
  • Adjust the expected format on the barcode template in the label creator

  • Try removing a leading or trailing digit on the barcode

  • Try changing the barcode format to the expected format

  • Bulk update the barcode formats for all products to correctly match their type (QR -> UPC for instance)

  • Assign the barcode to a variant by tapping the 'Scan Anything' button and selecting the 'Attach to Variant' option

Adjust the barcode format in the label creator
Scan any barcode button
Understand different barcode types

Products are not showing

There are two possible reasons your products are not showing. Oftentimes it's not that the product isn't showing, but that the product has never had inventory and is in fact only not showing in your inventory list. The other reason is that the product event creation event either failed, or is left in a processing queue and it will come over in the near future. 
  • Perform a global search (CTRL + F in SKUSavvy) for the product

  • Go to and search here

  • Allocate inventory to the product

Go to your products list
Go to global inventory list
Add stock to a new product

Hardware scanner not recognizing

There are two requirements for any scanner to be connected with SKUSavvy. 1) The scanner must have a Bluetooth connection 2) A recognized prefix must have been added to the scanner directly (you would see this by opening a notes app and making a scan, which would show the prefix with the additional data). You will be able to find this within the manual of the hardware scanner.
  • Ensure hardware scanning is turned on within SKUSavvy

  • Make sure the hardware scanner is connected via Bluetooth to the device you are trying to scan from

  • Make sure the hardware scanner has a prefix set

  • Turn on carriage return on hardware scanner

  • Make sure hardware scanner keyboard language is set to English

Turn on hardware scanning
View hardware scanner setup for Tera scanner
Recommended hardware

Cannot print shipping labels

There are many different reasons a label might not print. The most common reasons are from shipping carriers missing, not actually picking, packaging, and selecting a box, not all items are packed, missing warehouse property fields that are required for shipping, invalid box sizing or weight for a given carrier, the order has already been fulfilled externally, an edit happened on the order and it is overpicked or overpacked (any red indicators on an item), carrier issues, missing line item details for international shipments, invalid address fields. 
  • Shipping carriers missing: add carriers to your account or turn on test labels

  • Items not picked/packed: make sure you have picked and packed by picking or scanning inventory from the bin, and tapping or scanning the item to package it depending on scan settings

  • Not all items are packaged: split the order to make another shipment which will enable you to ship what is currently available

  • Missing warehouse properties: go to the warehouse > properties from the left side menu, and make sure all fields are entered

  • Invalid box size: some carriers require packaging below certain cube size or weight, make sure the carrier service supports the package sizing, you will see an alert if not

  • Package type code invalid: for some carriers that offer specific packaging (ex: USPS Flat Rate Medium Box) you may need to create packaging using this package type code from the dropdown in the top right of the packaging creation

  • Order already fulfilled: sometimes between the time of picking and packaging the order has already been fulfilled, in this case SKUSavvy will block the fulfillment and items should be unpicked/unpacked back to bin

  • Over/under quantity needed: if an item won't product labels, check the quantities that were picked/packed as an edit made while picking may reflect and more/less units that what is currently packaged for the order. You would see the quantity in red if overpacked, and an additional unit needed if underpacked

  • Carrier issues: if you have not connected a carrier and are trying to use labels, you will likely get an error when trying to fulfill, connect your carriers first, or use test labels which can be turned on in the batch settings (3-dot menu in a pick batch)

  • Carrier issues: on occasion the API service for a particular carrier goes down, you can check the status of ShipEngine to see if there are any issues

  • Missing intl line item details: for orders that require customs information, you need to have harmonized code and ccountry of origin on the product information, you can fill this in by clicking the caret icon next to an item that requires this but it is not set. You may also need to fill out tax settings

  • Invalid address field: if the address you are trying to ship to contains invalid information, SKUSavvy will alert you of this information, and you can make a change to the address by clicking on the customer information on the order details section of the fulfillment workflow

Add shipping carriers to your account
Turn on test carrier labels
View ShipEngine status
Insert package type codes for carrier specific packaging
How does order fulfillment work?
Learn about customs docs and tax declaration

Over-picked an order

Typically when an order is overpicked you will see a number showing in red on the pick list and the pack list. This is likely due to an order being edited or cancelled in between the time the order batch has started to be picked. You can unpack/unpick the overage quantity to put it back into the bin and align values. If you have already marked the order shipped, you can cancel the shipment to restock if it has not already been shipped. 
  • Find the item showing red numbers within a pick batch and click unpick if the item has not been packed yet

  • Find the order with overage quantity in the batch fulfillment and unpack the overage quantity, you can directly place it back to the bin, or place it back in the batch then go into the pick screen and unpick where SKUSavvy will show the bin you picked from

  • If you have already shipped the order, you can cancel the order and start the unpack/unpick process, this will alert the customer the shipment is cancelled however

Unpick orders from a fulfillment batch
Cancel a shipment to unpack an order
How to make order edits

Batch progress is showing red

If any batch is showing red, you have an order in the batch which is overpicked. To undo this, you can follow the steps from 'Over-picked' an order. It may be that one of the orders has a shipment in it that was sent with too many items by the time the order fulfillment and edits happened. You can opt to return the order contents instead of cancelling the shipment to return the stock.
  • You can cancel an order shipment to unpick/unpack

  • Opt to return part of the order and restock it for simple placement of inventory back to the bin

  • Unpick overage quantities to correct the batch

How to handle restocking inventory from a return

Counted too many units on check-in

If you are checking-in a purchase order shipment, it is likely that at some point someone will overcount an item. You can correct an over-counted item by clicking on the counted quantity and selecting how many units to remove from the counted quantity. If you have already allocated the overcounted stock to a bin, you should plan to make a direct adjustment to stock.
  • Click on a counted quantity within PO check-in to adjust the count before allocating

  • If overcounted stock has been allocated to a bin, plan to make a manual adjustment to the stock

Remove overcounted stock from a PO
Make manual adjustments to stock
Purchase orders and check-in overview

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