Test Mode

Here's how you can fully utilize SKUSavvy on a development store to test functionality without affecting your live site.

What will Sync in Test Mode?

When you turn on test mode in SKUSavvy you will still have a sync in place to bring over orders, inventory and other data, however there are some peculiarity in the ways these sync.
  • Test orders in Shopify will come into SKUSavvy

  • Inventory added in Shopify will not sync into SKUSavvy

  • Inventory added in SKUSavvy through an ad-hoc inventory adjustment will sync up to Shopify

  • Inventory added through a test purchase order will not be added to your inventory and will not sync to Shopify

  • Shipments fulfilled in SKUSavvy will sync up to Shopify

  • Orders placed in test mode will sync up to Shopify as a test order

How to Enable Test Mode

Test mode is a simple toggle within the account menu. Simply turn it on to enable test mode and you'll see the test mode bar along the top of SKUSavvy.
turn on test mode in skusavvy
With test mode turned on you should see a new top bar indicating you are in test mode
test mode active in skusavvy

Place an Order in Test Mode

You can build an outbound order directly in SKUSavvy within test mode which will not affect anything in your Shopify store. Test orders made in SKUSavvy cannot be sent up to Shopify.
create a test mode order in skusavvy

Place a Test Purchase Order

Test purchase orders will enable you to create a new inbound order without affecting inventory quantities in your store. Inventory checked in on a test PO will not show as valid inventory within SKUSavvy. 
create a test purchase order in skusavvy

Ad-Hoc Inventory Adjustments

Any inventory changes made in test mode will still affect live inventory levels in Shopify unless the 'sync to Shopify' toggle is turned off. 
ad hoc inventory adjustments in test mode

Related Guides

Quick Start

Follow this guide to get up and running faster by adding the basics,  some stock, and fulfilling orders 


Understand and correct common issues other SKUSavvy users have so you can have a better foundation