How to Cancel Orders within SKUSavvy

When an order has been cancelled you can use this workflow to cancel the order and return product to their bin positions from a previously picked order.

Order Cancellation

To fully cancel an order, go into Shopify, initiate the cancellation, and SKUSavvy will pull the updated order cancellation status

Find the Order

Click on your store tag within any order, product, location, customer etc. on SKUSavvy to view that detail in Shopify
shopify store tag link
Shopify Cancellation
Click into the order on Shopify, then select:
  • 1) More Actions

  • 2) Cancel Order

initiate order cancellation on Shopify
Inventory Restocked in Shopify will Automatically Restock in SKUSavvy
restock inventory order cancellation on shopify
Click 'Cancel order' to complete the Shopify cancellation, then find the order in SKUSavvy to restock inventory.

Shipment Cancellation

Cancel Shipment on SKUSavvy
This should only be done if the order was already cancelled on Shopify but the order has not been shipped yet. This will enable you to cancel the shipment and restock the items without performing a return and restock as though the item has already been shipped to your customer. You may still need to refund the customer on Shopify. 
  • 1) Scroll to the bottom of the order and click 'View Batch'

initiate order cancellation on SKUSavvy
Click view batch if the order has already been added to a fulfillment batch
  • 2) Click on Cancel Shipment

cancel a shipment order on skusavvy
Restock Inventory
  • 1) Click on Package to open the order contents

  • 2) Click on 'Unpack' to scan or select a bin location to place the inventory within

hot to restock cancelled order inventory skusavvy
Select or scan a bin location to restock the item quantity
1) Select or scan the bin location you plan to restock the item
2) Click 'Unpack' to complete the restock process
Go through each item in the order to restock quantities back to bins
restock inventory from cancelled order skusavvy for shopify inventory
Shopify Cancellation
Click into the order on Shopify, then select:
  • 1) More Actions

  • 2) Cancel Order

initiate order cancellation on Shopify
Inventory Restocked in Shopify will Automatically Restock in SKUSavvy
restock inventory order cancellation on shopify
Click 'Cancel order' to complete the Shopify cancellation, then find the order in SKUSavvy to restock inventory.

Returns & Restock

1) If an item exists in one bin only SKUSavvy will automatically restock inventory to that bin
2) If an item exists in multiple bins, SKUSavvy will create a restock record to select a bin location for the inventory
3) Order status will automatically update on returns & exchanges made in Shopify
Within the logs of any item that was restocked you will see this type of log detail when clicking into the log record
restock inventory log for a returned item on shopify
If reassignment of inventory is necessary, you will see an 'Assign Inventory' for the returned quantity on each item that was held in more than one bin location
restock inventory to bin after returning order on shopify

Unpick/Unpack an Order Batch

Restock Inventory
  • 1) Click on Package to open the order contents

  • 2) Click on 'Unpack' to scan or select a bin location to place the inventory within

hot to restock cancelled order inventory skusavvy
Select or scan a bin location to restock the item quantity
1) Select or scan the bin location you plan to restock the item
2) Click 'Unpack' to complete the restock process
Go through each item in the order to restock quantities back to bins
restock inventory from cancelled order skusavvy for shopify inventory

Cancelled Order Indicator

Look for an indication an order has been cancelled using your batch progress indicator.
All Orders in a Batch are Cancelled
order batch cancelled indicator
One of the Orders in a Batch  is Cancelled
Red Indicator for % of Orders Cancelled in the batch
order batch cancelled indicator