Custom Label Creator

Learn how to create your own custom labels that dynamically change with information from your orders, products, and customers.

Custom Label Types

Within the SKUSavvy custom label builder you can build out several labels for different purposes. Here are the label types and where they can be printed within the system:

Bin Labels

Each bin within your warehouse layout is automatically assigned a barcode. This label will provide you a way to insert images, shelf name, level, bin name, barcode and custom text.

This label can be printed anywhere you can print a single bin, the list of bins, or printing all the bins on a shelf.

Product Labels

The item label allows you to use information from your products and variant details such as SKU, image, meta fields, price, barcode and more.

This label is printable by going into a product variant and selecting print on the barcode then selecting your new custom label.

PO Check-in and transfer Labels

These labels can be used similarly to a product label in that you can add all product details, lot information, meta fields, and images. 

This label is only available once a product has been counted and checked-in to SKUSavvy from a purchase order or transfers.

Outbound Shipment Barcode

Shipment barcodes are created using the information from an order to create your own custom shipping labels with information such as address, notes, order ID, shipment barcode and meta fields.

The shipping label is available to print using the 'custom carriers' on any shipment batch once you have picked and packed an order instead of producing a carrier label.

Create a Label

To create your label click on 'Create' and select the label type you plan to make as well as the paper size for the label. Paper sizes are available in 4*2 and 4*6 although you can use the print settings to resize the label for nearly any size paper you plan to print on.
1) Enter the name for your label
2) Select the label type: shipment, bin, product, check-in, transfer
3) Select the paper size for your label
custom label creator for shopify

Label Editor

We used our own internal content management system to introduce the easiest barcode label editor. Using the label creator tool will help you come up with customized label formats that use a combination of your text and contextual details from the order, product, and batch. To start using the your new labels open the shipping label creator located in your configuration settings.
  • 1) Go to company dashboard

  • 2) Select 'Custom Labels'

Label Editor Interface

Getting used to the label editor interface is pretty quick and simple using blocks and relevant parameters for each block type so you can assemble the label you need.
  • 1) Add a block to the editor, note available blocks below image

  • 2) Select the label format (4x6 or 4x2) and print a sample

  • 3) Current blocks for the label

  • 4) Click an the grid icon to drag and drop a block position, or nest it within another nestable block. Hold on the arrow at the top of the block list to move the block out of its current position

  • 5) Visual representation of your label

custom shipping label editor for shopify

Block Detail

When you click into a block available parameters for the block will show that may include text styling, padding/margin, spacing, and more. Click on a single block to view that blocks available inputs.

  • 1) Current block being edited

  • 2) Copy this block to paste into another

  • 3) Select more blocks to add to the current block

  • 4) View editable elements of the block, in this case for the column we can set the alignment and direction, justify elements left/right/center, breakpoints on different screen sizes

  • 5) Select from available options to set the column

  • 6) The highlighted block is currently being edited

custom shipping labels for shopify orders using sKUSavvy

Available Blocks: Shipments

Below are all the blocks that can be inserted into your shipping label design and whether or not that block accepts child blocks.
shipping label custom attribute blocks

* Indicates the block accepts child blocks

  • 1) Batch ID - prints the pick batch ID associated with the shipment label

  • 2) *Column - place columns inside of rows, set column proportions

  • 3) Horizontal rule - places a line of varying thickness across the label

  • 4) Image - place an image and resize it

  • 5) Order address - will insert the customer address of an order during shipping

  • 6) Order delivery date - inserts the delivery date of an order if available

  • 7) Order ID - inserts the ID of an order being shipped

  • 8) Order notes - inserts any note associated with an order

  • 9) *Row - assemble a new row with child columns and blocks, assign column widths and position

  • 10) Shipment barcode - insert a barcode associated with the order shipment (adopts format of your account default barcodes)

  • 11) Shipment ID - inserts the ID of the shipment itself, different from the order/batch ID

  • 12) *Spacing - apply padding/margin or group blocks together

  • 13) *Table - place child blocks in table format

  • 14) Text - place static text on the label

Custom Shipping Label Printing

To use your custom label, you need to enable custom shipping labels within an order batch. From within any order pick batch click the 3-dot menu to pull up batch settings.
Select an Order Batch to use Custom Labels
print custom shipping labels for shopify orders
Select 3-Dot Menu to Turn on Custom Labels
custom shipping label settings
Turn On Custom Shipping Labels
turn on custom shipping labels

Print Your Label

When you  have turned on custom label printing for the order batch you'll see that you can print all labels at once by clicking in the batch toolbar. Note you can only print custom labels, this option is not yet available for connected carrier accounts.
If you have a barcode associated with your custom label you may need to generate the barcode during fulfillment.
print all custom shipping labels
Below is a screen post picking and packing the order contents showing a custom label with this order information dynamically showing
  • 1) Package order contents (treat any split shipments just like any other order)

  • 2) View your custom shipping label

  • 3) Label barcodes for the custom shipping label

  • 4) Print the custom shipping label associated with the order

shopify custom shipping label app skusavvy

Check-In & Transfer Label Printing

To print a custom label during check-in of a PO or transfer order you need to have the printing turned on for the check-in/transfer order, and ensure you have counted/allocated items, then printing is available and by default prints the number of items checked in. Since the check-in label can contain lot information this label is reserved until after a product has been fully checked in.
You must have already designed your label to use it during check-in
  • 1) Open the 3-dot menu from within PO check-in

  • 2) Turn on 'Enable Printing' within the settings

  • 3) Select which check-in label you'd like to use

check-in settings for printing label
With the print settings turned on, you can now go through the normal check-in process within SKUSavvy and as items are completed, you will be able to print the barcodes out.
4) Print all available items that have already been checked-in
5) This item is already counted and received so it is showing the print icon which can be used to print this items labels
6) This item has only been counted, but not received, so the print icon does not show yet until the units are allocated to bins
print items off a check-in order

Print Custom Bin Labels

To print your own custom bin labels you can design the label then head into any place you normally would print bin labels from including a single bin view, list bin view, and printing all bins for a single shelf.
Select your label format while on the print screen of your bins
select bin label format to print

Print Custom Product Barcode Labels

Once you've designed a product barcode label you can print this out by going to the product > variant and tapping on the print icon next to one of the barcode associated with your product. SKUSavvy will prompt you to select the label format you want to use and then you can print whatever quantity you need.
You must already have the label created to use it. Missing fields from your product will not show on the print if they have been included on the label design.
print custom product barcode labels for shopify

Printing Custom Meta Fields

You can use meta fields from SKUSavvy on any of the appropriate labels. For instance meta fields can be applied to products, product variants, vendors, orders, lots, customers. These meta fields can contain a name, data type, and value which can then be utilized to pull this dynamic information for any of the label types you have created.
Below is a list of data elements that accept meta fields:
  • Product

  • Product variant

  • Vendor

  • Customer

  • Order

  • Purchase order

  • Transfer order

Add Meta Fields First

To use meta fields within a custom label you need to have already added the data to it's relevant source. Look for the meta fields anywhere you see this dialog:

Add Meta Field to Label

Within the label builder select from the dropdown the meta field attribute and add it to your label. Once added you should click into this and choose which type of meta field (product, variant, customer, etc.) and the data to show.
Select the meta field attributes to add them to the label builder.
1) Select meta field type
2) Select the data field you want available for the selected meta field type (must have already added this data on the meta fields directly for it to show)
3) Add a prefix for your meta field


Learn about the various print types within SKUSavvy


Shopify Inventory Management

How to get the most out of Shopify inventory management