Employee Productivity Analytics

This will enable you to see exactly how many actions an employee has taken within a warehouse and compare across employees.

Employee Productivity

Each employee assigned to a specific warehouse will have an associated record that provides information on the actions of that employee and the audit logs of a particular employee. Metrics include check-ins, picks, and fulfilled orders.


This metric shows you how many items a single employee has picked over the date range selected, or as a total


This metric shows how many items an employee has checked in from a purchase order or by scanning the product directly to a bin location.


This shows how many items have been packaged up for orders going out over a given period of time or as a total.

View Employee Metrics

  • 1) Optionally select a date range you want to view productivity metrics for

  • 2) View all employees and their title, select a record to view detailed metrics and individual employee logs

  • 3) View total actions across all employees for the current warehouse

view employee productivity metrics for shopify inventory management

Productivity Detail

Each employee within a warehouse also has a detailed productivity dashboard. Access it by clicking on a record within Employees > Analytics. This shows the three primary metrics, along with a table of every action taken by the employee. Every item movement is shown in the table, which can be clicked on to further explore details of the inventory movement.

  • 1) Metrics for picked, packed, checked-in quantities for the selected employee

  • 2) Select a type of change log to view: order picked, order packed, kit assembled, kit picked, inventory imported, inventory allocated, external fulfillments, inventory changed, inventory deleted, inventory moved, order checked-in, cycle counted

  • 3) Select a date range to view actions within that range

  • 4) View individual logs, click into a log to view the details of that log

employee productivity metrics in a warehouse

Employee Productivity Log Detail

employee productivity detail log