Tera Scanner Setup

Configure your Tera Bluetooth scanner to work optimally with SKUSavvy and your workflow.

Step 1: Reset To Factory Settings

Step 2: Enable Instant Upload Mode

Step 3: Add Scan Prefix

Select One of the Following
Use Tilde
Use Asterisk
Use Open-Bracket
Use Caret
Finally, Scan to Save

Step 4: Scanner Feedback Settings

Step 5: Enable/Disable Specific Formats

Step 6: Configure Pairing Settings

If you are using the bluetooth-usb dongle you should use "compulsory pair with dongle", if you are connecting directly from bluetooth use 2.4g mode.

Step 7: Turn On Hardware Scanning

To make sure scans made on hardware devices are recognized within SKUSavvy you'll need to turn on hardware scans from the configuration. 
skusavvy hardware scans