Orders FAQ

Frequent questions we get asked about relating to orders within SKUSavvy as well as order management, Shopify sync with orders etc.

Orders, Order Management, Order Sync FAQs

Here we answer questions related to your orders coming into SKUSavvy across order channels and those placed within SKUSavvy. You also notice a few questions on direction of order sync, order management components, and various order filters and options.

Will my orders come in directly from Shopify or other order channels?

Orders will come over from Shopify into SKUSavvy, check with the channel connection you plan to make to ensure orders will come over. At this time to bring over your orders from other channels requires an implementation fee of $2750. You can utilize Shopify Marketplace Connect to sync Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Walmart orders into your Shopify account.

Is it possible to place an order within SKUSavvy and have it go to Shopify?

Orders can be placed within SKUSavvy and sent to your connected Shopify store. The order form is enabled with multiple filters for cost, price, tag, inventory etc.  so you can place detailed orders. Orders placed in SKUSavvy and sent to Shopify can include exact shipping costs, as well as discounts on the order or line item within the order. Orders can be sent in draft state. SKUSavvy does not handle payment on orders, this would be done on Shopify. 
Orders from ANY CHANNEL can be sent to SKUSavvy using the API. We encourage you to seek soultions using the below API:

How can I cancel an order and put the items back after it was picked?

Currently if an order has not been picked and/or packed you can cancel the order on Shopify, and this will be reflected into the order table in SKUSavvy. If the order has already been picked/packed, you should plan to unpack/unpick the quantity back to stock. If the order has been shipped you should plan to use a return instead. 

If a customer places an order for product that is not in stock (ie Backorders) what should I do?

Backordered inventory will automatically be added to the next purchase order you create, or transfer order created. Orders that have at least one item out of stock can still be fulfilled, and split during fulfillment into a separate order. If you intend to hold the entire order please use Shopify flow for this.

Does SKUSavvy Receive order updates from Shopify or other order channels?

SKUSavvy will receive new orders and customers within approximately 1 minute or less. Order updates you make within Shopify or another supported order channel will be received to SKUSavvy, this includes, order edits such as item changes and quantity adjustments, shipping information changes, and cancellation of orders. SKUSavvy also receives order status updates such as fulfillment status.

Does SKUSavvy alert my customer of fulfillment or shipping status

Yes, SKUSavvy will send a fulfillment status , and tracking information notification to Shopify or other supported order channel.