View your shelves, and every bin location within your warehouse on a visual map. Quickly access products in the bin, quantities, and order to pick in that bin location
Allocate your Shopify product to bin locations by leveraging the SKUSavvy Shopify app. Information syncs back so you know exactly what products go where.
Automatically issue bin replenishment tasks to move inventory from one bin location to another. Lock a bin location to allow only those products.
Accept any unit of measure, then allocate this inventory to bin locations. When bin locations are set to be replenished, SKUSavvy will automatically issue a transfer request to bring a larger UOM for restocking the pick bin location.
For each bin location in your warehouse, SKUSavvy will generate a barcode that can be printed and scanned. Use this barcode to scan inventory to the bin location. When picking this ensures accuracy of the inventory coming from the bin location.
For a better Shopify inventory experience utilize SKUSavvy as an end-to-end platform managing the warehouse, inventory, bin locations, purchases, order management, pick pack ship, and more. Efficiently find and move any item quickly, on any device.
Each bin location is held within a shelf inside your warehouse. Bins can hold products, and enable faster picking by arranging a pick path.
Click into a single inventory item to view all bin locations within the warehouse holding this item, quickly move or adjust inventory here.
Automate the full movement of inventory from reception to pallet storage, pallet to case bin locations, and case to single with
Everything you need to purchase inventory, move items around, track items, and organize your warehouse
Bring all your orders together in one place to easily make changes then pick, pack, and ship on time
Fulfilling orders is made easier with automated batching and mobile shipping label printing from iOS or Android